Friday, August 08, 2008

Hi, guys, after a long silence, there's some news, as you already know me and Niko've got married on the 19th of july and finally have uploaded the pictures. Everybody asks how do we feel, well, the same as before... even now when I look at the pictures it seems like a dream, a nice one of course, with all these clothes, ceremonies, guests and so on. Two years ago in Denmark we didn't have plans to get married, or at least not that fast, but you see the result ... I'll write a few words about the traditions here, becase probably they are a bit different. The ceremony in the hall is obligatory and without this civil document you cannot go to the church. The church is not obligatory, it lasts abou 20-25 min but there's a long variant which is more than an hour, most people don't choose it, neither we. In the restaurant where's the party first the two mothers welcome us with this kind of bread called " pita" , Niko's mother dips a piece of it into salt, pepper and honey which should symbolize the salty and sweet things of life and then gives it to me, niko and the godparents. After that we drink champaigne and walk along this white thing on the floor and I should hit a small pot with two flowers inside- red and white, the red for a boy and the white for a girl, one day we'll see whether it's true or not :)). And then the party starts, there were two guys with traditional clothings , the man playing on the pipe, and the woman singing and on this music we play " horo" it's a traditional dance, all people in a line. Niko's cousin is also a singer and sang a few songs, again traditional, for us. A bit down on the pictures you'll see me and Niko holding againa this special bread, the one who has the bigger piece will dominate in the house and Niko's very happy with his piece. The same thing is in the civil hall - the one who steps on the other's foot after the signatures will dominate, and that time I was quicker, so there' s equilibrium. And I think that were the tradional things. There was a part of our school brass band playing a few pieces, my sister with the red dress. And after that the rock band, it's called MU from medical university, although the singer is not a doctor. And the other things you see :))
And finally here's the link to the pictures :))


At 10:47 AM, Blogger Mohamed said...

Wonderful photos , i hope u both a happy fruitful life :)

At 3:20 AM, Blogger ahmed said...

hi niko and silvia the pics are really awesome wish u all the best in ur lives , take care of each other and always live in peace and love

At 7:17 AM, Blogger Nao said...

Congratulation, Sylvia and Niko!!
You are so beautiful, Sylvia, in the wedding derss.. And even through the screen on the PC, I could feel great happiness of you.
I received a share of it.:))

I will follow you, Sylvia!!

At 12:05 PM, Blogger rachel said...

Hey guys!

Only now I’ve seen the pics from the wedding didn’t come here for a long time!

U were very gorgeous silvia;) love the beer bottle of niko ahah sure it had to appear:P and the hard core symbol on fiancées eheh very cool! but niko seemed so focused on the city hall ceremony, very up to the moment:) and the church u married seemed a lot like one I remember from Belgrade didn’t recognize it from sofia…is it the one we went to that was very dark inside from the candle burning? Ah and u looked like kings with those crowns!:P We don’t have that in Portugal but we also do the bouquet throwing thing and the one to take the bond out from the bride’s leg also:P but the face in the cake is only for birthdays but sure it looks like a good ideia to do in weddings eheh:P also the musicians outfits were very nice and u too playing!...very cool:) u playing the piano remembered me of that one night in odense when u played the piano at ismail’s place:P not that sober back then lololol
Guys once again congratulations, hope u’re enjoying ur new life, well maybe not that new but the status is new:P good luck for all! And hope to hear from u soon:)
ah and where did u go for honey moon?:P


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