Sunday, March 25, 2007

Hi guys! I am spending busy days.
I went to Taiwan for trip and after that my cousin's wedding and the next day was tea ceremony and after that swimming training camp. gahhhhh.
I didnt have time to upload of my pics.
today, I upload the pics of Tiwan. It tooks only 2hrs and half by flight from Osaka. But I felt different country.
It would be exotic for you guys! the title of first pics it "landed in Taiwan"
messy load
We took a Metro to 九粉(Jyufen). Unfortunately the weather was not good. Always light rain was annoying us and a dense fog disturbed my sight.
in jyufen. they make a shopping arcade for tourist.

This funny woman sells skewerd dumpling. I guess she dressing crazy for attract tourists. It was tasty.

Beautiful temple. Taiwanese is also Buddhism but their temples are much colorful than Japanese temples. You can see 3 gods on the front roof. Each gods keeps people's "longlife" ,"health"and "wealth"

Sweets is essential for me. chinese tea. in fact the leaf itself is same as your tea. but the way of ferment is different. it smells very good. I got good tea is not bitter. I am sorry for served bitter Japanese tea. It was bad tea.

Our trip was continuing...


At 5:39 PM, Blogger Mohamed said...

hey Nao , beautiful pics , it seems that Taiwan is exciting ..
mm , green tea AAaah , whatever u said , i can't try it again sorry :)
make your next trip to Malaysia , i hear it's very good too .

At 12:47 AM, Blogger silvia said...

Hi, Nao, really this place is very exotic for us, and all those colours...very interesting, one day I'll go there :)
Hey Mohamed, are you afraid to try the green tea again?
Nao, don't worry, according to me the green tea in Denmark was perfect :))
I've seen some pictures from Osaka these days, a few friend spent 16 hours there to their way to Australia, I liked very much the green temple with stone basis and I was very impressed that when you get off the plane, a speed train takes you to the airport :)

At 4:35 PM, Blogger Mohamed said...

first of all , no offense Nao , ha ?
then , yes Silvia , i really cant :) , I am used to the normal black tea with at least 2 spoons of sugar :)

At 6:23 PM, Blogger Nao said...

Mohamed> Don't say can't try it again! I know you can drink water without sugar. Also I know you can drink hot water. Green tea also chinese tea is same as good smell hot water.
We Asian people drink tea in stead of water. I always bring a bottle of green tea whenever I go and drink it when I feel thirsty.
I've heard Top model drink at least 2L of green tea in a day.
Can you imagine every time I put in 2 spoons of sugar?
My tooth is going to be decayed and I'm goin to be Diabetis and fat.
Ok. it is worth to try tea without sugar. hahaha!

Silvia> I am planning to sent you green tea, SAKE(Japanese alcohol) and my fovorite chocolate in return for your nice present. If you have request, tell me.
I love your tea very much and smell was perfect.

yes yes! After departure formalities, Train actually monorail takes us to a departure lounge. cuz Airport is on artificial island, making a effective use for the small island , they made a monorail.
check! this page. you can see Aiport on Artificial Island.

At 5:00 PM, Blogger Mohamed said...

Nao , it's not the fault of the green tea , the fault is in me :)
my father is drinking it , but I REALLY CAN'T . i know the sugar is bad , but this is the advantage that i am slim and having high rate of metabolism :) , about the teeth , don't worry i use signal 2 :) :) :)


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